










Do you have a story to tell on how 'Type at Home' changed your life? We'd love to hear about it.
Submit your story here
Theresa Cota,
I have really turned my life around since I started applying what I learned from you. I was working at a dead end job with a very mean boss. Of course I quit my job and am now working from the comfort of my cozy home.
John & Mary Sweedler:
Thanks so much for giving me the courage to leave my job. I really hated my boss and telling him to shove it felt incredible.
Bill & Fran Matlock:
We have finally found what we were looking for! Making money online doesn't get much easier then this. Great site that is easy to follow..Highly Recommended!!
Mark & Jennifer Fisher: 
Awesome Program! I have to be honest, we were a little skeptical at first. But after joining your program, we now have the ability to work from home and make incredible amounts of money.
Chris Noble:
I am a student at UNLV so I am doing this only part time. It works out great for me, because I can work whenever I have time and I'm making more money then my friends.
Mary Wells:
Who knew!! I had no idea that typing online would be so easy and paid shoo well. I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive at first because I have been scammed in the past.
Your program is top notch. I have tried out other online money making methods and none compare, not even a little bit to yours. I was able to start making money right away.
Timothy Walker:
Your program rocks! The money I am making is out of this world. I absolutely love the freedom I have now that I work at home.
Natty D:
I just wanted to say Thank You. Your program was worth every penny. I actually look at it as an investment because I was able to make it back the first day I started working.
James Den nick:
Hi Bill. I had originally decided to just try out your program and see where it took me. Keep in mind that I am not too Internet Savvy,
Billy, you have honestly changed my life path 180 degrees. I no longer have a J.O.B. and I couldn't be happier.

Hi Billy, I usually don't submit testimonials but I decided to make an exception just this once. Before joining your members area I had been making very little money and was working 8-10 hour days. I now work 3 hours a day and make amazing money.
Randy Tussock:
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Need I say more?

Type at Home and Start Making $250 - $2250+ per Day!
Working only 30 minutes per Day!

Would you like to be your own boss and work directly from home? What if I told you that I have a system that runs virtually on autopilot where you could make $250-$2250+ per day working only 30 minutes?. Sound to good to be true? Check out my proof of earnings above. No experience or special skills are required! All you will need is a computer and access to the internet. This opportunity is available to everyone worldwide! Its NOT some MLM crap either. What you will be doing is typing out and submitting online forms. This is unlike anything you have tried before! Almost every money making idea out there is a scam in one way or another. Trust me, I have tried most of them. This opportunity isn't a scam, and I guarantee that. Plus you will get 60 days to try it out Risk Free. If you're not 100% satisfied you'll get a full refund!

Opportunities like this don't come by often...
Don't let this one pass you by!


My system is virtually 100% automated. Once you set it up, it will continue to pump out money day after day after day. You will even make money while you sleep, eat, or do absolutely nothing at all. The amount of money you make is totally up to you. There is absolutely no limit on how much you can make. Once you become a member, I will provide you with everything you need to get started typing at home right away.

This is not your traditional typist job. It's no where close actually. You could never make this kind of money doing normal typing. This is a system that I'm going to show you that has worked for me and countless others. You wont be paid hourly, or have to answer to anyone! I will show you how I make money simply by typing in a couple sentences of data into online forms. When you type data and submit PPC forms you will be helping companies spread the word about their products and services and so they will pay you up to $70+ each time!! You can see how that starts adding up really quick. You are guaranteed to work with these companies, and no one is ever turned down. There's no approval process, and you can start working with them right away. If you can already see the power of this and want to get started right away, then Click here to Get Started.


1. Choose the Companies to work with. (11,000+ Free to join. Never be Rejected)

2. Login and access your PPC forms to fill out.

3. Enter the data into the PPC forms that we provide you with in the members area.

4. Click the Submit Button.

5. That's all it takes! Now Sit Back and Collect your checks every 2 weeks.

You'll NEVER be turned down by these companies. Everyone is accepted!
You'll NEVER need to create or maintain a website of your own.
You'll NEVER need to create your own products or carry any inventory!
You'll NEVER have to deal with customers or follow up on leads!
You'll NEVER need to talk to any customers on the phone!
You'll NEVER need to talk to any customers by email!
You'll NEVER have to work any set hours! Work when you want!


Max 25 Characters
Description line 1:
Max 25 Characters
Description line 2:
Max 25 Characters
Display URL: [?]
http://  Max 35 Characters
Destination URL: [?] http://  Max 102 Characters

These companies will pay you when you type simple ads like these. This is so simple. Imagine how many of these you can fill out in a day!! Now you can see how I have made over $2000 a day typing in online forms just like these!


Here's a screen shot from my billing company.

That's over $80,000 in one month!

What would you buy with $80,000 a month???

Look at how much can be made above!!
Simply apply yourself to this program and have all your life's wishes


Let me talk to you about payment. Once you join the program, you will be paid via check once every two weeks on the 1st and the 16th of every month. These checks come in like clockwork. You also have the option of direct deposit into your bank account. Keep in mind that you will be able to login 24 hours a day and check your stats to see how much you've made. I personally check my stats SEVERAL times a day, and I'm able to sit back and watch those numbers grow.


Here's what my life is about since I have implemented these strategies I'm about to show you. I roll out of bed, walk over to my laptop and login to check my stats. When I say stats, that means I look to see how much money I made while I was sleeping. I brew myself up a nice cup of coffee, go for a 10 minute run then come back take a nice long shower. Notice that I have not mentioned a noisy alarm clock nor that I'm in any sort of hurry to get out of my house. And absolutely NO TRAFFIC, you'll never find me on the freeway during traffic hour. That's because I get to choose when and where I decide to spend my days. I may work for 30 minutes or for 3 hours, its totally up to me. I answer to one person, ME! Well sure who am I kidding, I'll answer to my wife too. My point is I am no longer part of the "Rat Race." You wont find me stuck in traffic or in crowded malls or movie theaters. I now have the time to do things according to my free schedule. You will be able to do the exact same thing in no time.


Register today to lock in your seat with the Type at Home program. These registrations are highly sought after and we rarely have them available. When you register, you will only pay a ONE TIME FEE of $99 for the Type at Home Basic Package. You will never be charged by us again. This one time fee is charged to make sure you're serious about joining the program. We used to offer it for free, but the membership included many people that were not truly motivated. You'll soon see it's a small price to pay when you live the life our members do.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Take 60 days to try it for yourself with no obligation!

If this isn't the best way to make money online, then simply request a refund within 60 days and you'll get back your full purchase price! This isn't some get rich quick scam, and you will have to put in your 30 minutes a day. But when you do, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, then I will refund every bit of your money. This rarely happens though, as most everyone that puts in a bit of effort see's the true power of the Type at Home system.



4 Offers Still Available Today

Available when you complete sponsor offers - terms apply.

Must be the following:

- Must be 18 Years Old

- Legal Residence in US

- Valid Email & Shipping Address

Special Update

We have some important information regarding available registrations

Due to our rapid expansion, the Basic Registration Package for $99 has been overbooked and those are temporarily not available.

We have received a lot of emails from people that wanted to join the Basic Package before it filled up. Therefore we are going to give you a promo code that will allow you to purchase the VIP Package for the Basic Package price. That's a 50% savings.

Use this Promo Code in the form below to save 50%: XB3T2

This 50% off promo code will work for 7 days from this update on .
At that point, the VIP package will return to its full value of $198.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Type at Home is Available In Every Country.
Become a VIP member to get Full Access Instantly! Even if its 4am.
Unlimited VIP Access membership to Type at Home costs only $198.00...
60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee! Full Refund if you're not 100% Satisfied!

50% off Unlimited VIP Access with Promo Code:
$198 Unlimited VIP Package - One Time Charge - Never Expires
Regularly $198.. Now only $99 for a limited time.

$99 - Basic Package - 1 Year Membership - Billed Once
Over booked. Only the VIP Package above is Available.
No new Basic Package registrations until March 15th, 2006
Order Unlimited V.I.P. Package Today And Receive The Following FREE:
Make Money on Autopilot FREE for VIP Members

The Ultimate Marketing Series FREE for VIP Members

Huge Riches Circle Jerking Traffic FREE for VIP Members
Instant Access, Discreet Billing, Secure Procedure.
No Hidden Charges. You are NEVER BILLED Again
No credit card? Pay by online check (USA only For Checks)
No Hidden Charges. You are NEVER BILLED Again
This is a single time fee only. You will never be re-billed. Clickbank sells our products - they are a trusted online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products.
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